Hello, I'm
Ishika Ishani

A Computer Science student aspiring to deepen my knowledge across various
aspects of technology and product development. Join me as
I explore the ever-evolving landscape of frontend development,
aiming to fuse creativity with code to craft seamless
and user-centric digital experiences.
Project 2


Platform for detection of diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and heart conditions through machine learning algorithms.

Project 2


Used TypeScript, Chart.js, CoinGecko API, and Tailwind CSS to create a Crypto Tracking Platform.

Project 2


An application designed to facilitate the booking of movie tickets using DSA concepts.

Project 1


NoteSync is a Chrome extension that allows users to take notes specific to individual websites.

Project 2

Git Automate

A bash script to help user automate some common bash commands.

Project 1

YouTube Clone Website

Clone of Youtube website made using HTML and CSS.

Project 2

Navratri Webpage

Improvised version of Frontend Mentor Challenge made using HTML and CSS.

Project 2

To Do List

A To-Do List Website made using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Project 2

LinkTree Website Clone

Clone of a website made using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Project 2

Stop Watch

Made a stopwatch using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Project 2

FaceBook Clone

Clone of a website made using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Blog 1

Hashnode Blog

Exploring the world of web development on Hashnode.

Blog 2

Medium Article

Sharing insights into the latest tech trends on Medium.

Blog 3

SC-Tech Blog

Contributing to the tech community through Stck.me blogs.


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