A Computer Science student aspiring
to deepen my knowledge across various aspects of
technology and product development.
Join me as
I explore the ever-evolving landscape of frontend development,
aiming to fuse creativity with code to craft seamless
and user-centric digital experiences.
Platform for detection of diabetes, Parkinson's disease, and heart conditions through machine learning algorithms.
Used TypeScript, Chart.js, CoinGecko API, and Tailwind CSS to create a Crypto Tracking Platform.
An application designed to facilitate the booking of movie tickets using DSA concepts.
NoteSync is a Chrome extension that allows users to take notes specific to individual websites.
Git Automate
A bash script to help user automate some common bash commands.
YouTube Clone Website
Clone of Youtube website made using HTML and CSS.
Navratri Webpage
Improvised version of Frontend Mentor Challenge made using HTML and CSS.
To Do List
A To-Do List Website made using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
LinkTree Website Clone
Clone of a website made using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Stop Watch
Made a stopwatch using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
FaceBook Clone
Clone of a website made using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Hashnode Blog
Exploring the world of web development on Hashnode.
Medium Article
Sharing insights into the latest tech trends on Medium.
SC-Tech Blog
Contributing to the tech community through Stck.me blogs.